Someone who is scrambling for safety is focused on himself or herself and perhaps their immediate wards. They cannot be aware of anyone else. They have “gone reptile.” We’re wired that way. Our vision narrows when we get scared. We focus on getting more of what we think we need in that moment—more acceptance, more money, more stuff, more power, more food—to feel protected. We’ll trample over others outside our inner circle. We’ll put others at risk. We’ll say what others want to hear in order to have more. All for a false sense of security.

We’ll even turn on those who have supported us, all to create a feeling of assurance right here, right now.



Sometimes we come together—a band of reptiles, working together to protect each other. This can be very explicit, like a vigilante group or an organization that promises protection, or it can be more hidden, like a group of billionaires getting together to assure their interests are protected.



How do you protect yourself and your immediate wards?

When you do what you do, how does that impact those around you?


This is part 3 of a 4 part blog post.  Please click here to read the first in the series.  Please click here to read the next post.

Martha Hamilton is a coach and facilitator, and the author of Going Reptile: How Engaging Your Inner Lizard Leads to More Fulfilling Work and Personal Relationships, and can be reached at and [email protected]

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